Virginia Spaceport Authority Hosts Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) For a Visit to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS)

Wallops Island, Virginia. March 17, 2023 – Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) and members of his staff toured the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport during a visit to the Eastern Shore on Friday, March 17. Senator Kaine was instrumental in securing $103 million in federal funding for the reconstruction of the Wallops Island Bridge. The bridge allows for Virginia Spaceport Authority staff to reach MARS and is necessary for the transportation of rockets to the launch pads. The last time Senator Kaine visited the spaceport was in May 2019, when he toured Pad 0A, Pad 0B, and the construction site for Pad 0C. This time around, Senator Kaine got a chance to tour the completed Pad 0C and the Integration and Control Facility (ICF) which are new additions to the Virginia Spaceport Authority’s facilities since his last visit.
The Virginia Spaceport Authority is committed to providing assured and reliable access to space for small- and mid-size rockets.
The Virginia Spaceport Authority, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, owns and operates MARS. The spaceport has three launch pads, including Pad-0C, the multi-user launch pad from which Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket launches. MARS also includes the nation’s newest payload processing facility and an unmanned aircraft system airfield.
Virginia Spaceport Authority Media Contact
Chief of External Relations and CEO Action Group
Lindsay Hurt
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