Launch Services
The Virginia Spaceport Authority owns and operates the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS). The facility is FAA licensed for orbital insertion of vertical launches and provides access to support infrastructure facilities through agreements with NASA, including vehicle and payload processing integration facilities, support instrumentation, and emergency facilities.

Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport
MARS provides a competitive alternative for responsive, cost effective, reliable, and mission-capable space access. Virginia Spaceport Authority personnel prepare, enhance, and operate the launch pads. We also offer payload processing support and rocket integration facilities supporting the entire value chain.

Range Services & Safety
We ensure NASA and DOT/FAA ground and flight Safety requirements are met, including documentation development, technical reviews, and oversight of hazardous operations. We provide range scheduling to ensure optimization of assets and satisfaction of customer launch requirements. Range services and safety are provided by certified MARS and NASA personnel.
Launch Vehicle Flight Certification
Provided by NASA, design reviews ensure launch vehicles and spacecraft are in compliance with range safety requirements.
We handle scheduling, maintenance, and inspection to ensure optimal accomplishment of ground processing and launch. Additionally, we assist in the provision of supplies, commodities, and consumables to support mission operations. Customer access, office space, communications, and other logistics support provided at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility.
Public Affairs
MARS Public Affairs provides coordination with the media.

Business Incentives
Scheduling, maintenance, and inspection to ensure optimal accomplishment of ground processing and launch. Provision of supplies, commodities, and consumables to support mission operations. Customer access, office space, communications, and other logistics support provided at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility.
- "ZeroGravity, ZeroTax" that provides state income tax incentives to locate and headquarter space flight launch and training business operations in Virginia
- Spaceflight Liability and Immunity Law, where the space flight entity is not liable for a participant injury resulting from the risks of space flight activities in Virginia
- FOIA relief to the customer, when doing business with VCSFA MARS
- Enterprise Zone established at MARS
- Foreign Trade Zone established at MARS
Launch with the Virginia Spaceport Authority
We're ready and equipped to handle a variety of launch services to ensure mission success for you and your team.